Tyto cheaty jsou známy pod názvem Gameshark Codes.
Extra Move Modifier
I found some hidden moves (some which can glitch the game or does nothing). The codes are 01??1cd0 01??1dd0 01??1ed0 01??1fdo ?? For
A7 = qq
A9 = glitch
Aa = glitch
Ab = failing psybeam
Ac = glitch
Ad = poisionous string shot that hurts
Ae = substitute that hurts
Af = payday with no coins
B0 = glitch
B1 = glitch
B2 = poision type glitch
B3 = glitch
B4 = glitch
B5 = glitch
B6 = glitch
B7 = disobey
B8 = mismisty glitch
B9 = disobey glitch
Ba = glitch
Bb = ball glitch
Bc = mismisty glitches after a few uses
Bd = disobey glitches after a few uses
Be = TM glitch
Bf = glitch
C0 = growl makes speed increase glitch after
C1 = glitch
C2 = demonic glitch
C3 = glitch
C4 = HM01
C5 = HM02
C6 = HM03
C7 = HM04
C8 = HM05
C9 = TM01
Ca = TM02
Cb = TM03
Cc = TM04
Cd = TM05
Ce = TM06 will glitch if not properly used
Cf = TM07 will glitch if not properly used
D0 = TM08
D1 = TM09
D2 = TM10 will glitch if not used properly
D3 = TM11 does nothing
D4 = TM12 does nothing
D5 = TM13 does nothing
D6 = TM14
D7 = TM15 does nothing
D8 = TM16 does nothing
D9 = TM17 does nothing
Da = TM18
Db = TM19
Dc = TM20 does nothing
Dd = TM21
De = TM22
Df = TM23
E0 = TM24
E1 = TM25 does nothing
E2 = TM26 does nothing
E3 = TM27
E4 = TM28
E5 = TM29 does nothing
E6 = TM30 does nothing
E7 = TM31 DEMONIC Type does nothing
E8 = TM32
E9 = TM33
Ea = TM34 does nothing
Eb = TM35
EC = TM36
ED = TM37
EE = TM38 glitch
EF = TM39
F0 = TM40
F1 = TM41
F2 = TM42 Will glitch if not properly used
F3 = TM43 coins will scatter
F4 = TM44
F5 = TM45
F6 = TM46 does nothing
F7 = TM47
F8 = TM48 glitch
F9 = TM49
FA = TM50
FB = TM51
FC = TM52
FD = TM53
FE = TM54
FF = TM55 Turn pass
All Badges
This Is Awsome Get All Badges: 01ff56d3
Battle Any Pokemon XX = 01 - FF Use existing modifier list for names of Pokemon01XXD8CF Hyper Beam on First Position 013F73D1
5th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX68D1 4th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX67D1 6th Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX69D1 Fossilized Pokemon in Cinibar Island 0101A3D7
Change Monster Pic 01XXD9CF Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 6) XX= 90: Persian
91: Marowak
93: Haunter
94: Abra
95: Alakazam
96: Pidgeotto
97: Pidgeot
98: Starmie
99: Bulbasaur
9A: Venusaur
9B: Tentacruel
9D: Goldeen
9E: Seaking
A3: Ponyta
A4: Rapidash
A5: Rattata
A6: Raticate
A7: Nidorino
A8: Nidorina
A9: Geodude
AA: Porygon
AB: Aerodactyl
AD: Magnemite
B0: Charmander
B1: Squirtle
B2: Charmeleon
B3: Wartortle
B4: Charizard
B9: Odish
BA: Gloom
BB: Vileplume
BC: Bellsprout
BD: Weepinbell
BE: Victreebel
Capture Pokèmon Modifier 01XXD8CF Fight Selected Pokemon In Every Battle 01XXD8CF Rival's starting Pokemon 01XX15d7 1st Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX64D1 2nd Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX65D1 3rd Pokemon Have Pokemon In Selected Position01XX66D1 Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 5) XX= 6C: Ekans
6D: Paras
6E: Poliwhirl
6F: Poliwrath
70: Weedle
71: Kakuna
72: Beedrill
74: Dodrio
75: Primeape
76: Dugtrio
77: Venomoth
78: Dewdong
7B: Caterpie
7C: Metapod
7D: Butterfree
7E: Machamp
80: Golduck
81: Hypno
82: Golbat
83: Mewtwo
84: Snorlax
85: Magikarp
88: Muk
8A: Kingler
8B: Cloyster
8D: Electrode
8E: Clefable
8F: Weezing
Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 1) XX= 01: Rhydon
02: Kangaskhan
03: Nidoran Male
04: Clefairy
05: Spearow
06: Voltorb
07: Nidoking
08: Slowbro
09: Ivysaur
0A: Exeggcutor
0B: Lickitung
0C: Exeggcute
0D: Grimer
0E: Gengar
0F: Nidoran Female
10: Nidoqueen
11: Cubone
12: Rhyhorn
13: Lapras
14: Arcanine
15: Mew
16: Gyarados
17: Shellder
18: Tentacool
19: Gastly
1A: Scyther
1B: Staryu
Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 2) XX= 1C: Blastoise
1D: Pinsar
1E: Tangela
21: Growlithe
22: Onix
23: Fearow
24: Pidgey
25: Slowpoke
26: Kadabra
27: Graveler
28: Chansey
29: Machoke
2A: Mr. Mime
2B: Hitmonlee
2C: Hitmonchan
2D: Arbok
Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 3) XX= 2E: Parasect
2F: Psyduck
30: Drowzee
31: Golem
33: Magmar
35: Electabuzz
36: Magneton
37: Koffing
39: Mankey
3A: Seel
3B: Diglett
3C: Tauros
40: Farfetch'd
41: Venonat
42: Dragonite
46: Dodou
47: Poliwag
48: Jynx
49: Moltres
4A: Articuno
4B: Zapdos
4C: Ditto
4D: Meowth
4E: Krabby
52: Vulpix
53: Ninetales
54: Pikachu
Character Codes for Modifier Codes (Part 4) XX= 55: Raichu
58: Dratini
59: Dragonair
5A: Kabuto
5B: Kabutops
5C: Horsea
5D: Seadra
60: Sandshrew
61: Sandslash
62: Omanyte
63: Omastar
64: Jigglypuff
65: Wigglytuff
66: Eevee
67: Flareon
68: Jolteon
69: Vaporeon
6A: Machop
6B: Zubat
Occasional Wrong Note 013967C0 Slow Beat 0115B6C0 Messed Up Music 011908C0 Beats Music 01910AC0 Jazzy Music 0141B6C0 Funny Beat Music 013AB7C0 Distorted Music 012808C0 Weird Beat 017807C0 Really Weird Music 018908C0 Funny Fast Beat Music 017A0AC0 No Sound 01440FC0 Egyptian Music 01A034FF Fight Prof. Oak! 01E2D8CF
Have Mew 011564d1
Protect Status 010018d0 Gives you hm06 01a27ccf
ElectaBuzz 0135d8cf Bring SS Anne Back 01001208 Level 99 Pokemon 016327d1 Fight Mew in every battle 0115d8cf Rarecandy in 1st position 01281ed3 Never Miss 01ffd6cf Infinite Money 019947D3
019949D3 No Random Fights 01033cd1 Infinite Health 01ff16d0 Infinite PP 01282dd0
012830d0 Pokemon Level Modifier They only work in linked battles not in normal play. Replace xx with 0-ff01xx27d1
Max HP These work in the game (normal and linked battles) only on the pokemon in the first position (just switch the other five pokemon around with the first one). 01038dd1
Max Attack These work in the game (normal and linked battles) only on the pokemon in the first position (just switch the other five pokemon around with the first one). 01038fd1
Max Defense These work in the game (normal and linked battles) only on the pokemon in the first position (just switch the other five pokemon around with the first one). 010391d1
Max Speed These work in the game (normal and linked battles) only on the pokemon in the first position (just switch the other five pokemon around with the first one). 010393d1
Max Special These work in the game (normal and linked battles) only on the pokemon in the first position (just switch the other five pokemon around with the first one). 010395d1
Zdroj: supercheats.com
· Přidal/a Mike1
dne October 02 2011 11:15:03 ·
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